Lynna Redhawk

Professional Coach & Wedding Officiant

Let me be your confidential thinking partner

We often encounter places in the journey where we could use the support of a fellow traveler to listen deeply, question powerfully, offer fresh perspective and hold space for new awareness to emerge.

In the words of Ram Dass, we’re all just walking each other home.

Professional studio headshot of Lynna Redhawk taken by photographer Devi Pride.

Areas of strength and expertise include:

  • Life transitions such as marriage, committed partnerships, divorce, relocation, family re-shaping

  • Career expansion and change

  • Coping with grief and loss

  • Integrative expressive arts coaching

  • Emotional awareness and regulation

  • Mindful self-compassion, self-discovery and self-transformation

Lynna Redhawk leading an art, creativity, and intuition workshop.


Lynna works with individuals and groups to facilitate self-awareness and values alignment leading to personal growth, intentional living, and goals fulfillment.


An Ordained Minister, Lynna is practiced in holding energetic space to support life’s transitional and transformational experiences.

You stand on the precipice of your greatness. Are you more afraid of flying or falling?
— Lynna Redhawk