Why professional coaching?

I believe we are all whole, resourceful, and creative. I believe that YOU have all the answers you need inside of you. Coaching is a collaborative partnership in which awareness is evoked through exploration. This, by the way, can change everything. A miracle is simply a shift in perspective. When you expand the way you see the world, you will have more possibilities for action. When you take new and different action, you get new and different results.

How can this help me achieve my goals?

Do you feel lost? Do you feel stuck? Unclear on your next steps in career, relationship, or life purpose? Are you insanely busy, constantly in motion, but feel like something is missing? Wishing that work/life/love/money felt like it had a little more flow?

Coaching will allow you to start examining the the beliefs and assessments upon which your outlook rests. With increased awareness, you will become more aligned, and find yourself taking deliberate (and effortless) action to transform the way you operate in the world.

Potential outcomes include:

  • Greater understanding of your impact on others

  • Better relationships

  • Efficient and productive coordination of action

  • Stronger, more effective leadership

  • Increased well-being and personal satisfaction

  • Sense of meaning and purpose in living


I specialize in ontological coaching—a holistic approach to cultivating change by uniquely integrating and interpreting language, emotions, and the body to support clients in achieving their goals and creating a new way of being. With my clients, I cultivate an environment of trust and compassion.

I am an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), extensively trained and certified by the Newfield Network in keystone methodology that enables clients to grow, learn, and establish lasting change.

Dedicated to continuing as an innovative coach who empowers individuals to explore, identify, and address areas of their lives or career needing improvement, I am currently pursuing a M.A. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Expressive Arts Therapy at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

My expertise combines a lifetime of artistry and spiritual studies with high-level intuition. Experience as an educator, counselor, and advisor allow me to see and empathize with your challenges. I will support you in identifying your blockages, empower you to transform core beliefs and old narratives, and lead you to positive and lasting change.

I had an amazing experience getting coached by Lynna. It helped me to approach my goals with more clarity.
— Anita